onsdag den 22. august 2012

New start.. New idea.. So what ya' think? :3

So i go to a new school, and i got a new start. Everyone is so nice, but off course they know i got issues, and they wanna help me, but the teachers don't get me, and my videofy.me is fucked.. Besides my blog won't put in the video's, so maybe i wanna do it all over again, on a youtube channel, what you guy's think 'bout that? :3 xx

- Cakester! (Who is a girl, with a dream, 'bout helping other's, and show you guy's my life aka my CrazyLifeNoLimit.♥♥)


lørdag den 11. august 2012

Micheal (The British Guy!) xx

Micheal, i love your smile.♥♥
Can't believe it's been two weeks since last I saw you, every time i see a picture of you i get tears in my eyes.. You where the reason why i smiled, now your gone and it feels like I'm alone..s; xx
I miss you, i miss just talking to you, your so weird that it's kinda cuté.xx
You really are a sensitive guy...xoxo
Can't believe your did what you did, can't forgive what i did..xx
I hope you understand my pain..xx
No one can take your place, you mean the world to me, hope you know that! xoxo
Your all i think about! xx
Your just a boy, you don't care how it hurts..xoxo - Well acctally you do! s: xoxo
I never gonna find anyone like you! xx
You made me smile, even though i rather would cry, you made me laugh over nothing, you made me feel safe.. But, that dosen't change anything..xx
Done is done, said is said.. And that i didn't got the change to hug you one last time is what hurts the most! s: xoxo
I hope you still think of me sometimes, wondering if I ever cross your mind, 'cause for me it happen's all the time.s; xx
Right now tears run down at me again,
just thinking of you makes everything in me tickle! xx
And then it makes me cry..xx
I love you! s; xoxo
Can't you see how much you mean to me, your one in a million!
Micheal Fish Billingham.xx

- Cakester! ♥♥♥♥

tirsdag den 7. august 2012

Wishes on a star do come true!

He found me, the British guy, so I'm so happy! The guy I kissed, then missed, he replied, now I don't need to cry.I;
I'm so happy, that when I saw it yesterday I walked right into a glass door.d;
Love life.*;
- Cakester.xoxo

torsdag den 2. august 2012

Damn i must be emo.^^

Dark hair.d;

Y a a a i y ! :3

Going back too dark hair, picture comes when I'm done xD But my mom hit my face with the colour so it was blue in my face x3 xoxo