tirsdag den 25. september 2012


Sorry you guys i keep forgetting to make video's... Tomorrow it will be! And then I'll make videos every Saturday at least and sometimes other days in the following week.
Love you.

søndag den 16. september 2012


Nice day yesterday, god it was nice seeing you again, and just chillin' with you, that's all i really
need! :3 Your the best.i;

You evil when you tickle me, but i like you the way you are.^^ ;3

- Cakester, video up soon again.^^ (Tomorrow is my guess) :*

torsdag den 13. september 2012

No school today.

So yesterday grandma' came and picked me up, so today there is no school to me, instead im early up to go and get my hair clipped, and going to the doctor, and then i gonna have a meeting with some people, Yeah life is awesome.^^
- Cakester.(picture later)

torsdag den 6. september 2012

To night.

FnukgeyTo night im will be making the Welcome video, and i will upload it, and link it here, and on twitter and places like that xD
Hope you guys will support me.i;
I love you guys!

-Cakester. But on YouTube its: xxFnukgeyIsCrazyxx

tirsdag den 4. september 2012

So youtube blog...

I Will do it, i think..
I'll make the blog and post it here xD maybe you guys would watch And share it and it would be on twitter so, and you guys can go follow my twitter it's called @SanjaKiraJensen.
Leave your opinion in a comment if you read this.xx